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attarazat addahabia & faradjallah: al hadaoui

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Once again, Habibi Funk reissues the unique heritage of Arabic funk and jazz music. The mystery surrounding Attarazat Addahabia & Faradjallah's album, a lost reel labeled “Faradjallah” in the archives of the Boussiphone label, was just one more reason for them to pursue the authors of the incredible and unique music present on this album, now released for the first time. The Gnawa sounds, one of the essential musical genres of Morocco, were combined with funky electronic guitars, very dense layers of percussion and female backing vocals more reminiscent of musical styles further south in Africa.

The band Attarazat Addahabia was formed in 1968 with an original line-up of 14 members, all from the same family. Their first album Al Hadaoui was recorded at Boussiphone studios in 1972 and was never released before. Spending years as a singer-to-book, Faradjallah wanted to make people discover Gnawa culture, or rather his take on the culture, to be more exact. The genre combines ritual poetry with traditional dances and music linked with a spiritual foundation. Musically a lot of influences originated from West Africa, as well as Sudan.

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After going around asking whether anyone knew the members of the band, Habibi Funk came through, linking with local friends. Eventually they met with Abdelakabir Faradjallah at his home in Casablanca, where he shared his personal story, that you can read on the album’s notes. Available on vinyl, Attarazat Addahabia & Faradjallah’s Al Hadaoui is a rare chance to preserve an unique album, containing a special blend of Gnawa culture and funky sounds.